Iron Saints Podcast: A Christian daily devotional for men drawing near to Christ
A daily Christian devotional for men looking to dive into the word daily. Chapter by Chapter walkthroughs of the Scriptures and prayer to start your day. We will examine the life of Jesus and seek to bring men together to share their trials and support one another in their walks with Christ.
58 episodes
MONEY or GOD? Can't serve both!
Welcome back Saints! Today we continue our journey through Luke. We continue into Luke 16 and are examining how we face worldly wealth can directly affect our relationship with God.16 He also said to the disciples, “There was a ric...
Season 1
Episode 58

GOD SEEKS THE SINNER... but never leaves us!
Welcome back Saints! Today we continue into Luke 15 and take a look at what it means to be the 1 sheep of the 100. How to fight against the jealousy this world puts on our heart and realize what a blessing our relationship with God truly is!
Season 1
Episode 57
God's feast is prepared... AND YOU ARE INVITED!
Welcome back Saints! Today we continue our journey through look and look at how God calls on us to join Him as Christians in relationship with a sense of humility.The Parable of the Wedding Feast7 Now he told a parable to those...
Season 1
Episode 56

God is always calling! WILL YOU ANSWER?
Welcome back Saints! Today we continue our walk through the book of Luke and consider how Christ was constantly calling, even his enemies, to come to Him. To turn from their sins.Lament over Jerusalem31 At that very hour so...
Season 1
Episode 55

God Doesn't Call Big Men, He MAKES THEM!
Today we continue our walk through the book of Luke. We revisit some teaching through parables and wrestle with how God does not call the proud, wealthy and those with posterity. He has a much different calling for men of faith.The ...
Season 1
Episode 54

Guard your tongue...OR GET CUT DOWN!
Today on the podcast we continue through the Gospel of Luke. Once again Jesus and the Pharisees are going to battle and Jesus helps us to understand that the mouth speaking before the heart has a chance to feel can be damning.The Pa...
Season 1
Episode 53
Jesus came to unite the body...BUT DIVIDE THE WORLD!
On today's podcast we continue through Luke and tackle some tough topics from Christ Himself. We break down how the Lord testifies that our faith is one of division of the World and we as Christians needs to be aware fo the world around us and ...
Season 1
Episode 52
Jesus is coming. BE READY OR ELSE!
Today on the podcast we continue through the book of Luke and examine how Christ calls us to be constantly ready for His return. We examine the challenge and caution He lays down for us and what that means for our day to day walk.35 “St...
Season 1
Episode 51
When God gets the Gold medal, you get the blessings!
Today on the podcast we continue through the book of Luke. Today we are continuing to see God address the fears we have of the world around us. Our food, money, clothing, shelter. We obsess over these things. Instead God challenges us once agai...
Season 1
Episode 50

Christ isn't calling us to courage, He calls us to fear properly!!!
Today on the podcast we continue through the book of Luke. Today we are looking at Christ's teachings regarding fear in the face of Pharisees hypocrisy. We see Christ challenge us that courage isn't what is necessary to confront persecution its...
Season 1
Episode 49

Jesus wants you to guard your EYES. NOT YOUR EGO!
Today on the podcast we continue our study in Luke. We are watching Jesus address the unfaithfulness of the Jewish Pharisees and lawyers and their obsessions with legalism and outward appearance rather than protecting their hearts. Christ is ch...
Season 1
Episode 48

Today on the podcast we continue our journey through Luke. Today we examine Christ furthering His teachings on who is a part of the kingdom of God and who isn't. He also expands on the risks of not turning from our sins and clarifies any notion...
Season 1
Episode 47

Christ prayed ceaselessly... DO YOU?
Today on the Podcast we continue through Luke and see how Jesus calls us to committed and constant prayer. Even better than just an instruction we also break down a parable that helps us to grasp why prayer shouldn't be an irregular matter but ...
Season 1
Episode 46

JESUS SHOWED MERCY!!! Why can't you?
Today on the podcast we continue through Luke and tackle the parable of the Good Samaritan. While it is a well-known parable we focus on its real-world application and how as men of faith we are called to a place of humility and mercy in a worl...
Season 1
Episode 45

Christ is calling... WAKE UP!
Today on the podcast we see Christ continuing His walk towards calvary and His ongoing realization that despite all the mighty works God has done people lack faith. Eyes are blind and ears are deaf, they can't know Christ and it could be to the...
Season 1
Episode 44

Jesus doesn't negotiate. GOSPEL IS TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT!
Today on the podcast we continue our journey through Luke and see how Christ intended us to give the Gospel but not negotiate for it. Let the Word speak and those who have ears to hear listen.10 After this the Lord appointed sevent...
Season 1
Episode 43

Christ chose you and never looked back! DID YOU DO THE SAME?
Today on the podcast we finish Luke 9 and look at what the cost of following Christ is. Christ calls us to Him and asks that we simply never turn back from that decision. While that sounds simple we wrestle with the more difficult application o...
Season 1
Episode 42

Want to be the greatest? SERVE!
Today on the podcast we continue our journey through Luke. We are looking at how Christ's frustration with the Apostles continues as they struggle with what Christ has called them to do and we wrestle with what those challenges mean for us in o...
Season 1
Episode 41

Feel Little Faith? Produce Much PAIN!
Today we continue through Luke 9 and are examining the cost of putting our faith into routine rather than Christ. We witness how the apostle's lack of faith in the authority of Christ causes them to be humbled and those they are meant to serve ...
Season 1
Episode 40

God is calling, LISTEN UP!
In today's episode we see God throwing a mighty gathering. Luke 9 has us witnessing the transfiguration of Christ alongside Elijah, Moses, Peter, James and John. We are witness God declaring His purpose for Christ as the chosen deliverer of His...
Season 1
Episode 39

Fight for the BIBLE!!!
Today we continue through the book of Luke in our devotions. We are looking at how people are starting to clue into who Jesus is and what that means. At the same time Christ gives us a very powerful caution that those who are ashamed of Him or ...
Season 1
Episode 38

The body moves. FAITH GROWS!
Today we continue through Luke. The Apostles return home and now we are seeing the fruits of their labor. We examine the change in our hearts when we start to apply the teachings of Christ in our day-to-day lives and what can happen when faith ...
Season 1
Episode 37

Read the word. DO THE WORD!
Today we continue our journey through the book of Luke. After finishing Luke 8 Jesus puts his teachings to the test as He sends His apostles into the world to heal and cast out demons. Today we look at the scriptures and wrestle with how we our...
Season 1
Episode 36

Bleeding? Dead? Christ heals!
Today we continue our journey through the book of Luke. In this journey we have been taking through examining the power of Christ we come to perhaps the most encouraging account of them all and evaluate Christ's absolute authority over the fles...
Season 1
Episode 35

Do you fear Christ? You should!
Today we continue to journey through Luke. Having come off of the story of the calming of the storms and our fear of a world with Christ in control we now come to Christ exhibiting his authority over demons and flesh. We witness his awesome pow...
Season 1
Episode 34