Iron Saints Podcast: A Christian daily devotional for men drawing near to Christ
A daily Christian devotional for men looking to dive into the word daily. Chapter by Chapter walkthroughs of the Scriptures and prayer to start your day. We will examine the life of Jesus and seek to bring men together to share their trials and support one another in their walks with Christ.
Podcasting since 2022 • 58 episodes
Iron Saints Podcast: A Christian daily devotional for men drawing near to Christ
Latest Episodes
MONEY or GOD? Can't serve both!
Welcome back Saints! Today we continue our journey through Luke. We continue into Luke 16 and are examining how we face worldly wealth can directly affect our relationship with God.16 He also said to the disciples, “There was a ric...
Season 1
Episode 58
GOD SEEKS THE SINNER... but never leaves us!
Welcome back Saints! Today we continue into Luke 15 and take a look at what it means to be the 1 sheep of the 100. How to fight against the jealousy this world puts on our heart and realize what a blessing our relationship with God truly is!
Season 1
Episode 57
God's feast is prepared... AND YOU ARE INVITED!
Welcome back Saints! Today we continue our journey through look and look at how God calls on us to join Him as Christians in relationship with a sense of humility.The Parable of the Wedding Feast7 Now he told a parable to those...
Season 1
Episode 56
God is always calling! WILL YOU ANSWER?
Welcome back Saints! Today we continue our walk through the book of Luke and consider how Christ was constantly calling, even his enemies, to come to Him. To turn from their sins.Lament over Jerusalem31 At that very hour so...
Season 1
Episode 55
God Doesn't Call Big Men, He MAKES THEM!
Today we continue our walk through the book of Luke. We revisit some teaching through parables and wrestle with how God does not call the proud, wealthy and those with posterity. He has a much different calling for men of faith.The ...
Season 1
Episode 54