Iron Saints Podcast: A Christian daily devotional for men drawing near to Christ

Want to be the greatest? SERVE!

Dan Willis Season 1 Episode 41

Today on the podcast we continue our journey through Luke. We are looking at how Christ's frustration with the Apostles continues as they struggle with what Christ has called them to do and we wrestle with what those challenges mean for us in our daily walk.

Jesus Again Foretells His Death
But while they were all marveling at everything he was doing, Jesus said to his disciples, 44 “Let these words sink into your ears: The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men.” 45 But they did not understand this saying, and it was concealed from them, so that they might not perceive it. And they were afraid to ask him about this saying. 

Who Is the Greatest?
46 An argument arose among them as to which of them was the greatest. 47 But Jesus, knowing the reasoning of their hearts, took a child and put him by his side 48 and said to them, “Whoever receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me. For he who is least among you all is the one who is great.” 

Anyone Not Against Us Is For Us
49 John answered, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us.” 50 But Jesus said to him, “Do not stop him, for the one who is not against you is for you.”

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Lk 9:43–50.

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Project 41



 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Welcome back to the Iron Saints podcast with your host, Dan Willis. 3s Welcome back Saints. It is a new day and we are right back at it. Thursday. Almost there. Almost towards the end of the week. Uh, we're still kind of working our way through Luke nine here. Uh, yesterday what we dealt with was this idea of Jesus foretelling his death again. Um, we kind of wrestled with the idea of, uh, this boy being healed, the lack of faith from the apostles to make it happen. Today we're going to keep moving forward. If you guys are one of those that just love to do things in order, you can go all the way back to Luke one. It's not exclusive. Feel free to go back to Luke one. It's going to be, uh, the entire journey is there for you from Luke one to hear. If you're happy to just hop in, though today we're going to keep going. And there's a argue, uh, argument today that we're looking at who is the greatest among us that we're going to tackle. So go grab your Bible and let's do this. So as always guys, I read from the ESV. I encourage you to have a physical copy of the Bible with you to read. It just improves the devotion I find where you're able to actually physically look at the word and, you know, take notes in your in your Bible. But if you are driving, obviously you can't do that if you're commuting, if you're at work, sometimes you just don't have that ability. So rest assured, I am going to read, but today we're going to go, uh, from Luke chapter nine, verse 46, all the way through to verse 56. Uh, so here we go. 1s An argument arose among them as to which of them was the greatest. For Jesus, knowing the reasoning of their hearts, took a child and put him by his side, and said to them, whoever receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me who receives him said, For he who is least among you is the one who was great. John answered, master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name. And we tried to stop him because he does not follow with us. But Jesus said to him, do not stop him, for the one who is not against you, this for you. When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem, and he sent messengers ahead of him who hadn't entered the village of the Samaritans to make preparations for him. But the people did not receive him, because his face was set towards Jerusalem. And what his disciples James and John saw, they said, Lord, do you want us to tell the fire to come down from heaven and consume them? But he turned and rebuked them, and they went on to another village. 3s So this passage of Luke is really about who's it for? But Jesus foretells his death. We've seen the Transfiguration. Um, we see it's about faith. He's trying to communicate this people aren't seeing. And now we get this sandwich. We get this again, this beautiful progression in Scripture where it's showing us this. Who is the greatest among you? Right? Are you? Who's the best, I guess? Is it Peter is a John James. And he points to a little kid and he goes, the child. 2s The child. And then I went. Then he wasn't in the running. It's us. Like, uh, it's us, man. And that's apostles. No, no, no, you misunderstand. The child's the point. Whoever receives the child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me. 1s Oh, oh, this is not about us in our qualifications. This isn't about us and what we are qualified to be. Instead, this is about have we heard your calling and you're teaching that we're called to serve even the smallest child. 1s In the least. Whoever serves the least of these will be the greatest among you. What an amazing lesson that is completely contrary to the world, right? The world. You want to apply for a position of posterity, right? You want to be the greatest. Let's say I want to be the president or Prime Minister. You want to be the CEO of the company. You gotta throw down your your impressive regimen and acumen of experience and knowledge and look at what I've learned and what I've done, and I've done it before, and I've done this and I've done that. And Christ is going, no, no, no, no. That's important. When you can humble yourself to serve the least. 1s Then you serve me. And if you're serving me, then you're serving the one who sent me. You want to be the greatest, serve the least. 1s Now, what's interesting then is they completely didn't get the lesson. They go on out and they see somebody who's out there casting out demons, literally fighting the fight that God himself had sent people to do, and they rebuke him. 3s We told him he shouldn't do that. Lord, he shouldn't do that. It's not part of our group. He's not part of our little circle. You shouldn't do that. That's not good. No, no no, no. And she goes, why did she do that? Come on, guys. Like, if he's not against you, he's for you. If you're gonna pick a fight over every little thing because it's not done exactly your way, it's going to lead to problems. It's going to lead to division. It's going to lead to hardship. Like, what are you doing? Don't stop him. If he's not against you, he's for you. You guys are making enemies where you don't need to make enemies in this, and we do this all the time. This is one of the reasons why denominations exist, and instead of us just going, well, we're both for Christ. All right. Instead we go, well, we're both for Christ. But I like to have only wine at communion. I like to make sure women's heads are covered in our congregation. I like to only sing hymns, and we only sing psalms, but we don't use instruments. And you use band and all of these little differences, and it's like, okay, but you're all for each other, right? Everybody is for the concept of Christ alone, by faith alone to the glory of God alone. And how do we know that? By Scripture alone. That's it. That's it. Everything else that we put on top of it is more. It's more than that. There's nothing you can do to gain the kingdom. All you can do is have Christ love you. We love because God first loved us first. John 419. It is there. This idea of, well, no, you should stop. You're really not, uh, you're not from the right group. Can you imagine? Can you imagine somebody out there, uh, with a bowl of water, baptizing a non-believer, somebody who's decided to commit themselves to the Lord, and somebody was to come up and say, well, no, sorry, you're from the wrong denomination. Uh, baptism is invalid. 2s Why? 2s First of all, why? Right. Extending the communion. You have somebody who has been repentant. You see, somebody who has shown the fruit of Christ in their life. They're walking and they come to take communion. And this happens often, especially within the Catholic Church. You see this happen where people come to take communion. They go, I'm sorry you're not Catholic. Could you just please cross your arms and we'll give you a blessing? But you can't take communion. What? Come on. We can do better than that. We can do better than that. 1s Now they move towards the Samaritan village, and we know from the previous passages that the Jews and the Samaritans, they don't get along so great, right? They're not they're not best friends, and nobody's expecting them to be best friends. Culturally. They they're going to be at odds. But, uh. 3s The days are coming near crisis. He's about to die. He's getting ready. Sets his face to go to Jerusalem. Right. And he sent messengers ahead of him. They went into a village. Samaritans are there. But they didn't receive him because his face was set towards Jerusalem instead of Mount Sinai, where they worship. Right. And we've seen this before. We understand why that's important. And when his disciples, James and John saw it, they said, hey, Lord, you want us to reign fire down from the heavens and wipe these people from existence? How dare they turn their face from you? And he turned to. James and John and rebukes them. He doesn't rebuke the Samaritans. Christ understands why they are the way that they are. And says, guys, what are you talking about? You want to have the fires rained down from heaven on these people? Like, where are your hearts? 2s It just goes on to the next village. It's like, okay, this this isn't the place. I'm just going to go to the next village. I've got to burn it down to the ground. 2s There's an awful lot in these three little passages, which is why I wanted to do them together. But it's really laying out, um, a continued lesson from the last chapter where we are seeing Christ saying, where's the faith? Where's the faith? If God first loved you and you have been saved by the Holy Spirit's working in your heart, where is the love? Where's the faith? Where's the where's the compassion, the mercy, the grace? Instead. You guys, you guys feel like you have this badge of honor on you, and there is no badge of honor. My gospel is one of service. My gospel is one of of of love, compassion and mercy. My gospel is one of focusing on bringing souls to God. That's the focus. And if you're not doing that, you're missing it. So I challenge you today, guys. As you go out, take a look around you and discern for yourself. Are you serving in the least of these? 1s Do you rejoice to see the work that God is doing? 2s Take the time. 1s If you don't see it. 1s Just figure it out. Figure out how you can make that change. Pray to the Lord. Go to the scriptures. Figure it out, but make it happen if you are doing it. Power to you and please. Blessings on you. Keep going, keep going. 4s All right, guys, I want to pray for you. I always want to send you out in prayer. Can't face a day without prayer. Um, as always, if you guys have prayer requests, the social media channels are down below. Feel free to message me directly on those channels. I'm more than happy to take your prayer requests. I always try to keep them anonymous. Some guys say that they don't care and in which case I'll I'll pray for them by name. I just think that, uh, well, everybody knows who you're talking about. At times. It can be good for the others that are praying as well, uh, that they have that name. But, uh, for the most part, I pray for man in the midst. So that's that. Um. 1s Lord, thank you so much for these amazing men that have taken the time to hear your word today, that have taken the time to listen, to understand that your heart is a heart of service. Your heart is a heart of compassion. Your heart is a heart of mercy. It is not a heart that desires pride or arrogance or practice or performance of of worldly praise. 1s It's not about degrees or dollars, Lord. It's not. It's about hearts saved, hearts changed. Loving God and loving one another. 1s I pray for the men that are out there suffering. Lord, their marriages are under attack. I pray that you're with them. 1s That love. This special love is something that you've given us. Then no man to terrace under or woman for that matter. I just pray that the marriages might be reunited. That there might be love that is built again. Lord, where there's friction and strife, that there would be compassion and patience. For in those places. Lord, I pray for those who are in business that have either lost their jobs or are suffering through massive trials. Lord, I pray that you would you would be in that place and that you would give them the reassurance that this too will pass. There is another day, there's another thing, and there's a purpose that you are doing in us. And it can be hard. Lord job lost it all. It was all taken from him and his, his family, his wealth, his home. All of that was gone. And yet to trust in the Lord was to see those blessings returned twice. Fold. 2s Be with people, Lord in their suffering. Help them as they're going through this. I thank you so much for the blessings, Lord. There have been stories of healing, unexpected healing, surgeries going well. I just pray that those those blessings would inspire and ignite hearts to continue moving forward for you. In your name we pray. I'm an amazing day guys. I will see you tomorrow with another episode and until then, take it easy. Thank you for listening to the Iron Saints podcast. If you are looking to share your prayer requests, check the description for social media or email to contact the show. Blessings on you all. Until next time.